No installation fees
Our autonomous sensors are easily mounted on a hot or cold surface. The thermal losses of this surface will feed the sensor. With MOÏZ, no more kilometers of cables and overloaded cable paths !
No operating costs
Our sensors are self-powered through a thermal energy harvesting solution, they contain no batteries nor wires. and are designed to operate for 10 years without any intervention from you.
Sustainable approach
About 40% of the energy produced is lost as heat, why not recover some of it to monitor your processes ?
This approach is sustainable and guarantees ROI, so why deprive yourself ?
Autonomy for industry
Our sensors are made to work in an industrial environment. Robust and waterproof, they are powered by the thermal losses of the surface on which they are mounted. Their innovative design allows them to be operational for minimal temperature differences encountered in most industrial processes.
Do you want to know how it works? Click here
You want to discover some applications to get an idea ? Click here
You want to know if your environment is compatible with the use of our technologies? Test your case
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